ARUP Lecture.
How does an element of Stuart Bull's lecture reflect our work
on EXP2?
The main thing I noticed from Stuart's lecture was the integration between specific programs. He spoke about plugins used to export files from programs like "Rhino", "Revit", "AutoCAD" and truss specific programs. This process came across as very similar to the way we have been using SolidWorks, 3DS Max and Crysis in EXP2. Utilising each program to the best of their ability, then exporting the model to another program to take advantage of its new features. He also mentioned the redundancy of 2D modelling software, and how certain clients simply reject people that aren't prepared to work in 3D. This is appropriate to our work in EXP2, as we are using up to date modelling software in collaboration with cutting edge gaming technology to allow a complete degree of real-time interation with our Town Hall environments.
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